Gentle Suggestions // March

Pretty late on the bandwagon this month due to work and social life buttttt (not butt, no haha) here I am. Back again. I feel like I've lost touch with writing and reading for the past few months. I'm definitely still reading of course but it's just become so much slower. I've become so busy that I just don't know what to do when I have any free time on my I read? Reflect? Listen to music? Watch The Office? It all seems a little pointless after awhile and I wish I could do something more worthwhile. I'm not sure if anyone feels the same way but let me know if you do...I'd love to find out that I'm not the only struggling early 20's gal here...

Now, down to business. (Sorry about the bad alignment in advance...the downside of this template is that it never sits right when a picture is not big enough. If anyone has any tips, please share!)

Jacqueline Rabun

You guys know I love any brand that produces pieces that speak for themselves. I've never been into the flashy or overly-elaborate styles. Jacqueline Rabun fits right into my perimeters of a great investment staple and as usual, I just had to like a brand out of my budget range but your invite to join me in making all sorts of lovey-eyes at these pieces is very much extended.

All pictures by Rosalia Park for Jacqueline Rabun

Childish Gambino

This isn't the first time I've said this but I'm not the best person when it comes to describing music and the colours a song has. I don't even pay attention to genres. Childish Gambino is no newcomer for those whose jam is R&B/Soul but there's something about the intricacy his songs have and the layers that he deftly plays with to tell us a story with every song. Just listen to "Me and Your Mama" and you'd know what I mean. That being said, his more lighthearted and uplifting songs like "Sober" and "Redbone" easily have the same musical depth. I could listen to them a hundred times and not be bored (okay, I exaggerate again but you know what I mean).

Mynah Magazine

It's a little hypocritical to be suggesting a magazine I've never read or touched and I've never done this before but I feel like I have to. For the uninitiated, Mynah Magazine is a Singaporean magazine that covers local issues that should and need to be read and talked about. It's first issue was only published in 2016 but the content stays relevant with increasing interest in what it has to offer for Singaporeans. As I haven't read the magazine, I can't tell you the benefits or negatives about it but I just felt compelled to share it somehow. With more and more Singaporeans demanding alternative news and authentic stories, we've got to support magazines like this so that Singapore becomes a more diverse area with our own people contributing to the growth of our soul. We may have a great first-world economy and nation but we're very behind when it comes to nurturing a sense of real belonging here.

Shop Mynah Mag here:

That's it for last month! Please let me know if you have a different opinion or what favourites you had last month either on here or on Instagram. I love it when you guys share new experiences/products/tips or whatever with me. XX


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