Gentle Suggestions // October

October has been such a busy month (as usual) for me. I've taught myself to move on, met great friends along the way and found a new direction in life! I honestly couldn't be happier and I hope all of you (my dear readers) have been well this month too. If you haven't, I hope this blog post allows some distraction and well-needed rest. Enjoy.

 Candles of Light

This month, I'm featuring a local brand (finally!) that I really love. Candles of Light is a Singaporean small business that I discovered when they reached out to me last year asking if they could send some candles for feedback (this post isn't sponsored). The candles were so good and are centred around different times of the day: Dawn, Daylight, Dusk and Midnight. Each candle contains a different pleasant combination of scents perfect for each time of the day. I was skeptical at first about Midnight and Dusk as they were musky types that I tended to stay away from but after trying them out at their respective times, I could really see why they were made as they were!

I love to feature small businesses because of the relationship they form with me and their other customers which is why the brand suggestions so far have been small businesses in case any of you were wondering.

Check out Candles of Light here: Instagram Facebook

Photo Credits: Candles of Light

Christiane Spangsberg

"CHRISTIANE SPANGSBERG is an artist aspired by originality and imperfection."
I first discovered Christiane Spangsberg through Instagram, as with most of my recommendations, and her minimalistic lines and work really inspired me. There's something quite quietly magical about her work that just drew me in. Christiane currently lives in Copenhagen and was born in 1989, she counts Picasso as an inspiration for her now trademark one-line technique and is currently delving into Fauvism.

Check out more of her work here: and her instagram

Photo credits: Christiane Spangsberg

Saltwater by Geowulf

A friend recently suggested this song to me and it really helped get me through a lot of sad, lonely bus rides home. Something about the low range of singing maybe or water...I really like water. Maybe that explains it. I hope you enjoy it too!

The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley

My grandfather was the first to get me hooked onto this mystery series and it is without a doubt, one of my favourite mystery series to date. I wasn't that into mystery back in the day to be honest but this book was unpretentious, easy to read and so endearing. 

The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie is set in 1950's countryside England where Flavia de Luce, an 11-year-old with a passion for Chemistry, tries to solve a crime involving her father. The novel combines a child's perspective on the world and an adult's cynical intelligence to form this really addictive mystery. 

And that concludes October's Gentle Suggestions! See you next month or on Instagram. :) P.S. Sorry for the wonky image for the book suggestion, I wasn't able to find a big enough picture.


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