The Concept of Self // 5 Easy Habits

In the past 2 years after going through a tough period, I started looking within. I didn't want validation for the sake of it, I didn't want support from external sources when my internal foundations were weak as it is nor did I wish to most importantly find happiness in others without first finding it within myself. We've always been advised to take steps towards self-love, self-care and self-awareness but as I started on my journey towards discovering the concept of self in my life, I found myself lost and unable to find stories of others who had similar lives as me. 

Hopefully, what I've experienced with different tools, products and habits I list here will help you towards reaching the best self you can be! Sending love as usual, read on.

Listen to yourself
That little voice you hear but always push away? It's time to start listening to it. All the uncomfortable times you smiled and brushed aside are all the times you disregarded your self in favour of others. 
Start by:
Acknowledging your feelings

Telling others about it 

Coping and self-reflecting 

Hang out with yourself
Most people find this disconcerting when they first start and they don't usually know where to begin. We've been conditioned to not treat ourselves as if we didn't know we could be the best company we could ever have. But we are, my friends! If you don't want to hang out with yourself, what makes you think other people will want to?
Start by:
Discovering your interests (if you haven't already)

Going for something fun alone

Travelling overseas alone

This is something I would have wrote off if you'd asked me to do this outside of yoga years ago but I can't tell you how much meditating has helped me. I don't mean I want you OM-ing everywhere you go but simply closing your eyes while focusing on your breathing when facing a tough situation will help you immensely.
Start by:
Observing your reactions to situations

Knowing when you need to stop and breathe

Putting that into action every single time you face a difficult situation 


Taking steps towards self-improvement

Before I started, I had no idea where to turn to for information I could use towards having a better day, better self, better relationships, etc. besides Google and we all know how unhelpful that can be. Personally, I've found that Podcasts help a ton! Listening to them while I get ready for the day has brought so much new information and I try to keep the tips I learnt throughout the day. Besides Podcasts, there's also Headspace (a meditation app) that helps especially when I'm having a really rough day.

Check out Optimal Living Daily here and Headspace here
Start by:
Finding outlets that work for you

Making habits out of them 

Using them outside home

Write down what you're grateful for each day/week
Even if you don't write this down, mentally thinking back about your day is already a self-reflection in itself. When recalling your day, think through towards the highs and lows. What could you have done better? What were the highlights of your day and your role in them? Did you put to action the things you said you would? How did you treat yourself? How did you treat others?

Start by:
Setting aside 5 minutes each day before you sleep to think about your day

Being grateful for the things you did well! 

Mentally taking steps to improve the next day

Making sure you forgive yourself and others for your as well as their mistakes


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